
Switch off, relax, enjoy life: That is the Lindau lifestyle in summer. The mild climate of Lake Constance, magnificent palm trees, and plenty of bars and cafés with outdoor seating ensure a casual flair. Lindau in Lake Constance is proof that a holiday in your own country can also provide a Mediterranean feeling of happiness.

Experience the blooming season in Lindau at Lake Constance

The first mild evenings, light green leaves, pale pink flowers… The fruit blossom is eagerly awaited by many people every year. To enjoy the colorful spectacle, you don’t have to take a plane to Spain – the fruit blossom at Lake Constance is at least as impressive and beautiful to look at.

May the mountains in the distance still be snow-capped – in Lindau, thanks to the mild lake climate, flowers and trees bloom and turn green much earlier than elsewhere. Depending on how long the winter takes to say goodbye, the blossom season at Lake Constance usually begins in April.

Treat yourself with a few days of recreation and relaxation after long and dark winter evenings!

Mediterranean flair spreads summer feelings

Due to the mild climate, the summer usually arrives early in the Lake Constance region; even palm trees and banana trees thrive well in the Lindau area.

They spread Mediterranean flair and make many guests feel as if they were in Italy: Guests stroll along the harbor promenade, sunbathers relax in the lido and tourists as well as locals sit on the steps and walls along the shores of Lake Constance.

So in Lindau on Lake Constance, summer can be enjoyed to the fullest – whether for a day trip, a long weekend or an entire holiday. When do you want to experience the Lindau lifestyle?

Book in time for the high season at Lake Constance

If you would like to spend your holiday on the island and garden city Lindau, you should book your accommodation as early as possible. Especially in the summer and holiday season, Lindau on Lake Constance is a popular destination within Germany or as a stopover on your journey through to the south.

Especially during the Bregenz Festival season in July and August, certain types of accommodation are quickly booked out. In order to avoid disappointments, it is therefore advisable to plan long in advance.

Of course, there are still some guesthouses, hotel rooms or pitches available at short notice on one of the two campsites. So even those who decide on short notice can enjoy a spontaneous trip to Lindau.

Where you can stay overnight, you can find out at any time in our booking area. Our colleagues at the tourist information will also be happy to help you.


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Summer holiday in Lindau

Book your summer holiday in Lindau now and spend wonderfully relaxing days at Lake Constance. The Mediterranean flair of our island and garden city will inspire you!

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Lindau as favorite destination for summer lovers

The fact that summer in Lindau on Lake Constance has a fascination and beauty all of its own has long been appreciated by people: One of the initial sparks in the field of tourism came from the Bavarian Prince Luitpold, who acquired the “Villa Amsee” in 1848 as a residence for his summer retreat. Numerous noblemen and upper middle-class citizens followed his example and built their villas on the mainland opposite Lindau.

Today, the magnificent buildings are lined up close together along the so-called “Bavarian Riviera” on the way from the Hotel Bad Schachen to the Villa Wacker. On the basis of the houses, the architectural styles from 1870 to 1910 can be studied – from neo-classicism and the neo-renaissance according to the Italian model to art nouveau and home style. They all have one thing in common: the direct proximity to Lake Constance and the relaxing view of water, mountains and sky.
