
We therefore invite you to take your time during your holiday. Discover the lake and the surrounding area at your own pace. Taste regional products; enjoy the clear air and the Alpine panorama. And at the same time, do your bit to preserve all this. Because living in a climate-friendly way is not just a phrase, environmentally friendly behaviour more than a fashionable trend. It is an attitude to life that can achieve a lot with little effort and that suits everyone.

Let us enjoy what is good for us – and preserve it for all those who will want to experience it after us.

Sustainably oriented accom-modations

Why not also sleep, eat and live sustainably on holiday? But what is sustainable enough for your personal requirements? Seals and certifications are one thing, but responsible use of resources of all kinds is another. Here you will find accommodations that place a special emphasis on sustainability. Not everything is measurable when it comes to sustainability, because ecological and social aspects also play a role. The following aspects are important for us here:

  • Advice on saving water in the rooms
  • Towel change
  • Use of local and regional products (at breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • Green electricity users

Overview of the accommodations

Being environmentally mobile

Questioning familiar habits is not always easy – and yet it is worth thinking about leaving the car behind for your stay in Lindau and the Lake Constance region. Instead, sit on the train and watch the lake and the mountains pass by in a relaxed way. Simply cycling past the lines of cars piling up in the summer heat. To feel the fresh breeze while walking across the pier or along the shore to Austria.

Protecting the environment, living more consciously, acting sustainably: These are big concepts, they sound complex and may seem tedious. But in many small ways
these principles can be implemented quite simply, without having to give up anything we love. Instead, there is much to be gained – also and especially when it comes to
travelling: Relaxation through deceleration, an alert eye for details that previously remained hidden or new paths that lead to interesting encounters. On the way to sustainable living, even small steps can bring about great things – try it out and take advantage of the following offers:

  • Use the bus and train and travel free of charge all year round in the entire Bodo area thanks to the Echt-Bodensee-Card guest card
  • Rent bicycles at a rental station and cycle off

restaurants with regional products

Whether cooking for yourself or going out to eat: The large selection of regional products will leave you spoilt for choice. The lake cuisine is characterised by Bavarian, Swabian, Austrian and Swiss elements – in traditional as well as modern forms. The abundance of nature is also reflected in the variety of local drinks: delicious juices and must, award-winning wines and regional beer are the tasty end products of successful harvests. Treat yourself to a large portion of quality of life and savour the culinary diversity in all its facets.

The conditions for a sustainable and ecological lifestyle could hardly be better than in our region. In the Allgäu, cows graze on lush green pastures, many different species of fish cavort in Lake Constance, and vitamins ripen in their most beautiful form in the orchards. The range of products that land directly on your table after short transport routes is correspondingly large. Enjoy the rich selection of local products and let yourself taste it – regional, of course!

Overview of the restaurants

  • Theatre Café Lindau | Linggstr. 6 | phone +49 8382 22748
  • Café / Bar / Restaurant Großstadt | In der Grub 27 | phone +49 8382 5042998
  • Restaurant Valentin | In der Grub 28a | phone +49 8382 5043740
  • Strandhaus Lindau | Fraunhoferstr. 20 | phone +49 8382 2737992

Stroll & Shop

If you prefer individuality to mass-produced goods when shopping, Lindau is the place to be: especially on the island, you will find many lovingly designed shops with a high-quality and often unusual range of goods.
and often unusual assortment. In addition, the town with its medieval architecture is highly contemporary in one important respect:
Many retailers attach great importance to the sustainable and responsible production of their assortment. Enjoy a stroll through Lindau’s shops and markets and discover how regionality, quality and sustainability can be perfectly combined.

Buy something here, nibble something there, have a chat in between and go home with a good feeling: A visit to Lindau’s weekly market is more than just shopping in the open air. Here, enjoyment and healthiness go hand in hand; the necessary and the relaxing can be perfectly combined. Let yourself be surprised by the variety of seasonal specialities offered by local and regional producers and enjoy the excellent products in all their freshness and quality – a visit to one of Lindau’s weekly markets is a good investment in terms of palate and joie de vivre.

  • Tuesdays: Mainland, Aeschach district/”Auf der Lärche” car park, 08:00 am to 12:30 pm (all year round)
  • Wednesdays: Lindau Island/Therese-von-Bayern-Platz 07:00 am to 13:00 pm (April to October)
  • Saturdays: Lindau Island/Therese-von-Bayern-Platz 07:00 am to 13:00 pm (all year round)

Overview of the shopping possibilities

  • Saftladen | Ludwigstr. 54 | phone +49 151 53515810
  • die Werke | Ludwigstr. 29 | phone +49 151 53515810
  • die Handlung | Fischergasse 4 | phone +49 8382 9112078
  • Heinzelmann Crustaceans and fish | Ladestr. 33 | phone +49 8382 94461
  • Betten- Scherer | Wackerstr. 13 | phone +49 8382 21558
  • Hensler coffee roastery | Marktplatz 1 | phone +49 8382 26899

Second-hand shops in Lindau

Strolling, rummaging, discovering the extraordinary: A visit to a flea market or a second-hand shop is fun for many reasons. Whether you find a beloved object from childhood or a long sought-after collector’s item – many products can still bring joy to the second or third owner. On the island of Lindau you will find antique shops and second-hand shops for clothing as well as household and decorative items. On the mainland, the “Unternehmen Chance” association additionally offers a large selection of electrical appliances, furniture as well as books and CDs. In summer, open-air flea markets are held regularly.

  • Red Cross Shop | Fischergasse 15 | Löwenstraße 4
  • Second-Hand Shopping Cafe | Bürstergasse 18-20 | phone +49 8382 9471673
  • Second-Hand Fashion | Felsgässle 6 | phone +49 8382 297959
  • Second-Hand Zeitlos | Felsgässle 3 | phone +49 8382 409996
  • Unternehmen Chance gemeinnützige GmbH | Von-Behring-Straße 6 -8 | phone +49 8382 9896980

Organic shops in Lindau

Not everything that carries the “organic” label is automatically good for the environment and the climate. An organic apple imported from New Zealand to Germany has travelled an immense number of kilometres.
kilometres – and this is naturally reflected in its energy and CO2 balance. It is therefore worthwhile to look at where organic products come from and to use regional products.

  • BioOASE | Langenweg 43 | phone +49 8382 5042167
  • Naturell Naturkost | Fischergasse 1 | phone +49 8382 21485
  • Reformhaus Stibi | Kaserngasse 1 | phone +49 8382 6293
  • Denns Biomarkt | Langenweg 32 | phone +49 8382 9436123
  • Alnatura Bio-Supermarkt | Ludwig-Kick-Straße 66 | phone +49 8382 5046500

Unpacked stores

In the unpacked store you can buy unpacked, that is without plastic packaging, sustainable. With your purchase you thus produce no or very little waste and thus protect the environment. Many foods are predominantly produced in demeter and organic quality, some even around Lake Constance. In the Unverpackt store you buy the amount you need and thus avoid unnecessary food waste. In Lindau you will find two Unverpackt stores – one on the mainland and the other on the island.

  • Lecker Unverpackt Lindau | Schulstraße 20 | +49 8382 9769577

RECUP businesses in Lindau

Would you like to drink your coffee or tea on the go? Then ask for the RECUP deposit cup. You will receive a plastic beaker for 1€, which you can return or exchange at various locations with participating partners. Of course, you can also keep the becker as a souvenir of Lake Constance and continue to use it at home.

  • Fidelisbäck Lindau Insel | Marktplatz 3 | 88131 Lindau
  • Meyer Bakery, REWE Lindau Insel | Zeppelinstraße 6 | 88131 Lindau
  • Meyer Bakery, Hoyren | Hoyerbergstraße 32 | 88131 Lindau
  • Fidelisbäck, Lindau Reutin | Köchlinsstraße 26 | 88131 Lindau
  • Strandhaus Lindau | Fraunhoferstraße 20 | 88131 Lindau

Sustainable pocket ashtray

From the smoked cigarette is only a stub left and at the end of the cigarette is no trash can in sight? Then the Lindau sidewalk is a poor alternative. So that butts ultimately end up in the residual waste, free pocket ashtrays are now available.

The artfully designed cans fit in any trouser pocket and are thus ideal for people on the move – for example, on the street, in the open-air swimming pool or even at events. Do your part to keep Lake Constance and the environment clean! Collect smoked cigarettes in the pocket ashtray and dispose of them in the nearest trash can in the residual waste.

You can get the pocket ashtrays free of charge at our Tourist Information and at Park-Camping Lindau.

Drink plastic-free and do good

Whether as a memento of your holiday or as a souvenir: the Soulbottle with the Lindau lion and the lighthouse is not only pretty, but also sustainable.

Buy now

Farm shops in Lindau and the surrounding area

Caressed by the sea breeze, kissed by the sun: Fruit and vegetables from the Lake Constance region are widely known and loved for good reason. The fertile soils, the high number of hours of sunshine and now and then a strong change in temperature ensure crisp, fresh and naturally tasty fruit. The path from the field to processing and sale is only a short one – and thus equally practical and environmentally friendly.

In Lindau and the surrounding area, you can buy fruit, vegetables or liqueurs and wines from the producer in many places. Farm shops and sales stalls are often located directly on the
the road or are well signposted. At the “fruit drive-in” of fruit farmer Martin Nüberlin, you can even place and receive your vitamin order directly from your bicycle or car.

  • Jägers Hofladen | Motzacher Weg 47 | 88131 Lindau
  • Schönauer Hofladen | Schönauer Straße 112 | Tel. +49 8382 5111
  • Hofladen Schweizer | Rickenbacher Straße 125 | Tel. +49 8382 78246
  • Hofladen Ambrosius | Schöngartenstraße 5 | +49 8382 5424
  • Hofladen Heitinger | Halbinselstraße 6 | 88142 Wasserburg | +49 8382 2804723
  • Obsthof Brög | Kellereiweg 30 | Tel. +49 8382 4410
  • Hammerhof | Kemptener Str.  105 | Tel. +49 8382 7121
  • Hofladen Schöngarten | Schöngartenstraße 16-18 | +49 8382 945190
  • Bio-Williams – Mäckle-Jansen | Dentenweilerstraße 16 | +49 8382 22082
  • Mrowka‘s Hoflädele |Simmerbuchstr. 24 | Tel. +49 8382 942937
  • Gärtnerei Seiler | Eichbühlweg 1 | Tel. +49 8382 4406
  • Wein- und Obstgut Haug | Kellereiweg 19 | Tel. +49 8382 5466
  • Biohof Wuggezer | Tobelstr. 31 | Tel. +49 8382 26487
  • Obsthof Aichele | Eichbühlweg 13b+17 | Tel. +49 8382 9975015
  • Ferienhof Schmid | Bodenseestraße 35 | Tel. +49 8382 273628
  • Manufaktur für Trockenfrüchte Brög | Kemptener Straße 99 | Tel. +49 8382 2775870
  • Obstbau Meßmer | Nur auf dem Wochenmarkt vertreten
  • Obsthof Strodel | Rothkreuz 2 | 88138 Weißensberg | +49 8389 474
  • Obstbau Nüberlin | Peter-Dornier-Straße 1 | +49 8382 79300
  • Obsthof Schäfler | Hattnau 23 | 88142 Wasserburg | +49 8382 6287
  • Hofladen Münchhof | Münchhoftsraße 5 | +49 8382 73572